Sustain Long-term curiosity.

Steve Jobs, a name synonymous with relentless innovation, famously attributed much of his success to a simple trait: curiosity. He believed that the curiosity to learn about things you don’t understand is the foundation of true innovation. 

Think about how Jobs started in a garage and built an empire that changed how the world communicates, plays, and thinks. His journey wasn’t just about smart business moves or technical brilliance; it was powered by an insatiable curiosity about art, technology, human behavior, and everything in between.

Your goal is to ignite and sustain a burning curiosity within yourself. It’s not about fleeting moments of interest, but a deep, enduring thirst for knowledge that pushes you to keep exploring, asking questions, and challenging the status quo.

The main hurdle? For many, curiosity dims over time. Daily routines, immediate concerns, and the wear and tear of responsibilities can dull our sense of wonder. People stop asking ‘why’ and ‘what if,’ settling instead for ‘what is.’

Curiosity is the engine of lifelong learning. Without it, we stagnate. With it, we can continue to grow and innovate throughout our lives, no matter our age or stage in our careers. 

Steve Jobs didn’t stop being curious after Apple became a household name. He kept looking, kept wondering, and kept pushing boundaries.

Rekindle the curiosity of our youth and integrate it into our daily lives. Make it a habit, not just a sporadic occurrence. This isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about loving the quest for answers.

Bring curiosity back into your daily routine. Set aside time each week to explore something new, something outside your comfort zone. It could be a technology, an art form, a scientific concept, or a cultural practice. Ask questions, seek out experts, read widely, and discuss your findings with others. 

Make it a game, make it fun, and most importantly, make it regular. 

Let curiosity lead your learning, and like Jobs, let it open doors to worlds you’ve never imagined before.

Stimulate Your Creative Thinking

When I first dipped my toes into entrepreneurship, the road ahead was anything but clear. It was like standing at the edge of a vast,

Leverage Network for Strategic Learning

Transform your network from a mere social circle into a powerful learning engine. You don’t need to know everything yourself; you just need to know how to access the information through the people around you.

Overcome Learning Barriers Efficiently

Thomas Alva Edison, a paragon of perseverance, famously navigated through about 10,000 attempts before successfully inventing the light bulb. Each of these wasn’t a failure


  1. The saying “curiosity kills the cat” has held many people back from innovation and achieving big goals. Here’s why.

    First, it makes people afraid to ask questions. When we’re told that curiosity is dangerous, we stop exploring new ideas and learning new things. This fear limits our growth and creativity.

    Second, it discourages taking risks. Innovation often requires stepping into the unknown. If we’re scared of being curious, we avoid trying new approaches and miss out on breakthroughs.

    Third, it stifles imagination. Curiosity fuels our imagination and helps us see possibilities. When we suppress our curiosity, we limit our ability to think outside the box and find creative solutions.

    Fourth, it promotes complacency. Without curiosity, we stick to what we know and avoid challenges. This keeps us in our comfort zone, preventing us from reaching our full potential.

    In short, the saying “curiosity kills the cat” creates a mindset of fear and caution, blocking the path to innovation and big achievements. Embracing curiosity, on the other hand, opens doors to endless possibilities.