happy employees practice their core values

List of Core Values

Core Values. They’re the DNA of your company’s culture. They define who you are, what you stand for, and how you navigate the business world. But core values mean nothing if they’re not lived and breathed every day.

We often hear about accountability, altruism, or commitment, but what do they really mean? How do we move these from fancy buzzwords to the very heartbeat of our organization? It’s not about picking the fanciest words; it’s about finding what truly resonates with your team and your mission.

Values drive behavior. Without a solid set of core values, companies drift. They react to whatever wave hits them next. But with them, companies have a compass, a guide to make things happen, and happen right.

happy employees practice their core values

Quick Guide to Using Core Values

  1. Reflect on Each Value: Start with the list. Reflect on each value. What does it mean to you and your organization? Is it relevant to your mission?
  2. Seek Input: Your team’s perspectives are invaluable. What values do they see as crucial? This isn’t a solo journey; it’s a team effort.
  3. Look at Behaviors: For each value, consider the positive behaviors that exemplify it and the negative actions that violate it. How are these reflected in your current workplace?
  4. Choose What Resonates: You can’t pick them all. Select the ones that truly resonate with your company’s vision. Less is often more.
  5. Define Clearly: Define each chosen value in simple, clear terms. What does it look like in action? Avoid vague definitions.
  6. Communicate and Educate: Share these values with your team. Make them part of your onboarding, your meetings, your everyday language.
  7. Lead by Example: You are the role model. If you don’t live these values, why should anyone else?
  8. Integrate into Performance: Make these values a part of performance evaluations. Recognize and reward behaviors that align with them.
  9. Review and Adapt: Values can evolve. Regularly review them. Are they still relevant? Are they being upheld?
  10. Make Them the Heartbeat: Let these values be the heartbeat of your organization. From decision-making to daily interactions, let them guide you.

A List of Core Values

Here’s a short list of core values. I defined each and provided you examples of behaviors aligned and not aligned with these values.


Accountability is the act of taking ownership of one’s actions and decisions, acknowledging the impact they have on others and the organization, and being responsible for the outcomes.

Positive Behaviors

  • Delivering on commitments and promises.
  • Accepting responsibility for mistakes and taking corrective action.
  • Holding oneself and others to high standards.
  • Transparently communicating progress and results.

Actions Violating Accountability

  • Blaming others for one’s mistakes.
  • Avoiding responsibility or shifting blame.
  • Failing to meet deadlines and commitments without explanation.


Altruism is a selfless concern for the well-being and happiness of others, prioritizing their needs and interests over one’s own.

Positive Behaviors

  • Offering assistance and support to those in need.
  • Showing empathy and compassion towards others’ challenges.
  • Volunteering time or resources to help the less fortunate.
  • Celebrating the success and achievements of others.

Actions Violating Altruism

  • Selfishly pursuing personal gain at the expense of others.
  • Showing indifference to others’ suffering or needs.
  • Exploiting or taking advantage of vulnerable individuals.


Authenticity involves being genuine, transparent, and true to oneself, aligning one’s actions and words with their true beliefs and values.

Positive Behaviors

  • Expressing thoughts and feelings honestly and openly.
  • Staying true to one’s principles and not compromising values.
  • Building trust through sincerity and transparency.
  • Encouraging open and authentic communication.

Actions Violating Authenticity

  • Faking one’s personality or intentions to manipulate others.
  • Pretending to agree with something when one actually disagrees.
  • Being deceptive or dishonest in interactions.


Boldness is the willingness to take calculated risks, step outside of one’s comfort zone, and pursue ambitious goals with confidence.

Positive Behaviors

  • Initiating and embracing innovative ideas and projects.
  • Facing challenges with determination and courage.
  • Leading with conviction and decisiveness.
  • Inspiring others through daring and visionary actions.

Actions Violating Boldness

  • Avoiding any form of risk or change, always choosing the safe route.
  • Allowing fear and doubt to paralyze decision-making.
  • Resisting new ideas and innovation, favoring the status quo.


Candor is the quality of being open, honest, and straightforward in communication, sharing thoughts and feedback directly and respectfully.

Positive Behaviors

  • Providing constructive and timely feedback to help others grow.
  • Addressing issues and concerns directly, without sugarcoating.
  • Fostering a culture of trust and openness within the team.
  • Admitting mistakes and sharing both successes and failures.

Actions Violating Candor

  • Withholding important information or feedback to avoid conflict.
  • Delivering criticism or feedback harshly or disrespectfully.
  • Being evasive or deceptive in communication.


Caring involves demonstrating genuine concern, empathy, and kindness towards others’ well-being and needs, showing that you genuinely care about their happiness and welfare.

Positive Behaviors

  • Offering support and assistance to those in distress.
  • Actively listening and providing emotional support.
  • Demonstrating acts of kindness and compassion.
  • Going out of your way to help others.

Actions Violating Caring

  • Showing indifference or apathy towards others’ struggles.
  • Dismissing or belittling others’ feelings and concerns.
  • Engaging in actions that intentionally harm or hurt others.


Clarity is the quality of clear and straightforward communication, ensuring that information, expectations, and objectives are easily understood and unambiguous.

Positive Behaviors

  • Providing clear and concise instructions.
  • Avoiding jargon and unnecessary complexity in communication.
  • Ensuring that everyone has a shared understanding of goals.
  • Asking for clarification when needed.

Actions Violating Clarity

  • Using vague or ambiguous language, causing confusion.
  • Withholding information or intentionally creating confusion.
  • Failing to communicate expectations clearly.


Collaboration involves working cooperatively with others, sharing knowledge and resources, and contributing to a collective effort to achieve common goals.

Positive Behaviors

  • Actively seeking opportunities to collaborate with team members.
  • Sharing ideas and expertise to enhance group performance.
  • Resolving conflicts constructively to maintain a harmonious team environment.
  • Acknowledging and valuing the contributions of team members.

Actions Violating Collaboration

  • Hoarding information or resources to gain an advantage.
  • Undermining the efforts of team members.
  • Fostering a hostile or uncooperative work atmosphere.


Commitment is the unwavering dedication to achieving goals and fulfilling responsibilities, even in the face of challenges or setbacks.

Positive Behaviors

  • Meeting deadlines and honoring commitments consistently.
  • Demonstrating a strong work ethic and resilience.
  • Going the extra mile to accomplish tasks and objectives.
  • Maintaining a long-term focus on achieving goals.

Actions Violating Commitment

  • Frequently missing deadlines or neglecting responsibilities.
  • Demonstrating a lack of effort or engagement in tasks.
  • Abandoning projects or goals at the first sign of difficulty.


Compassion is the genuine concern for the suffering and well-being of others, accompanied by a desire to alleviate their pain and provide comfort.

Positive Behaviors

  • Offering support and comfort to those facing adversity.
  • Showing empathy and understanding towards others’ challenges.
  • Engaging in acts of kindness and generosity without expectation of return.
  • Listening attentively and without judgment to others’ experiences.

Actions Violating Compassion

  • Displaying apathy or indifference towards others’ suffering.
  • Exploiting or taking advantage of vulnerable individuals.
  • Engaging in actions that intentionally harm or cause suffering to others.


Consistency involves reliably delivering the same high-quality performance, actions, or behaviors over time, ensuring predictability and dependability.

Positive Behaviors

  • Meeting established standards consistently.
  • Maintaining a predictable and reliable work ethic.
  • Delivering on promises and commitments without exceptions.
  • Demonstrating unwavering dedication to quality.

Actions Violating Consistency

  • Frequently failing to meet established standards.
  • Displaying erratic or unpredictable behavior.
  • Making promises but consistently failing to follow through.


Courage is the willingness to confront fear, challenges, and adversity in pursuit of a greater good, even when facing uncertainty or risk.

Positive Behaviors

  • Taking calculated risks to achieve important goals.
  • Standing up for what is right, even in the face of opposition.
  • Admitting mistakes and taking corrective action despite fear.
  • Inspiring and leading by example in challenging situations.

Actions Violating Courage

  • Avoiding challenges or risks due to fear or discomfort.
  • Compromising values or principles under pressure.
  • Failing to address unethical behavior or wrongdoing.


Curiosity is a strong desire to seek knowledge, learn, and explore new ideas, concepts, and experiences with an open and inquisitive mind.

Positive Behaviors

  • Asking questions to deepen understanding.
  • Actively seeking opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Embracing diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
  • Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Actions Violating Curiosity

  • Displaying close-mindedness and resisting new ideas.
  • Avoiding opportunities for learning or personal growth.
  • Rejecting or dismissing alternative viewpoints without consideration.

Customer Obsession

Customer Obsession involves an unwavering focus on meeting and exceeding customer needs and expectations, with the goal of providing exceptional value.

Positive Behaviors

  • Actively seeking feedback from customers and acting on it.
  • Tailoring products and services to meet customer preferences.
  • Anticipating and addressing customer needs proactively.
  • Treating each customer interaction as an opportunity to create value.

Actions Violating Customer Obsession

  • Ignoring customer feedback and concerns.
  • Prioritizing short-term gains over long-term customer satisfaction.
  • Delivering subpar products or services without regard for quality.


Diversity involves recognizing and celebrating differences in individuals, including their backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and identities.

Positive Behaviors

  • Actively promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Seeking diverse perspectives when making decisions.
  • Creating an environment where all voices are heard and valued.
  • Encouraging collaboration among people with varied backgrounds.

Actions Violating Diversity

  • Discriminating against individuals based on their characteristics or identities.
  • Fostering an exclusive or homogenous work culture.
  • Disregarding the contributions and perspectives of underrepresented groups.


Empowerment is the act of granting individuals the authority, autonomy, and resources they need to make decisions and take action, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Positive Behaviors

  • Delegating authority and entrusting employees with decision-making.
  • Encouraging individuals to take initiative and solve problems.
  • Providing the necessary support and resources for success.
  • Recognizing and celebrating employees’ achievements and contributions.

Actions Violating Empowerment

  • Micromanaging and not allowing individuals to make decisions.
  • Withholding resources or support needed for success.
  • Discouraging initiative and stifling creativity and ownership.


Excellence is the relentless pursuit of the highest standards of quality, performance, and achievement in all endeavors.

Positive Behaviors

  • Setting and consistently meeting or exceeding high standards.
  • Continuously seeking opportunities for improvement.
  • Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and growth.
  • Taking pride in producing exceptional work.

Actions Violating Excellence

  • Accepting mediocrity and settling for subpar results.
  • Failing to invest in professional development or improvement.
  • Disregarding quality standards and delivering substandard work.


Fairness involves treating all individuals equitably and justly, without bias or discrimination, and ensuring that decisions and actions are guided by principles of justice and equality.

Positive Behaviors

  • Making decisions based on merit and without favoritism.
  • Addressing grievances and conflicts impartially.
  • Promoting equal opportunities for all individuals.
  • Advocating for diversity and inclusion.

Actions Violating Fairness

  • Favoring certain individuals or groups unfairly.
  • Discriminating against individuals based on characteristics or biases.
  • Ignoring or dismissing complaints of unfair treatment.


Flexibility is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, embrace new ideas, and adjust strategies as needed to achieve desired outcomes.

Positive Behaviors

  • Being open to alternative approaches and solutions.
  • Embracing change as an opportunity for growth.
  • Adapting to evolving market conditions and customer needs.
  • Encouraging innovation and creativity.

Actions Violating Flexibility

  • Resisting change and clinging to outdated methods.
  • Being rigid and inflexible in decision-making.
  • Rejecting new ideas or innovative solutions.


Freedom is the state of having the autonomy and independence to make choices, express oneself, and pursue one’s own goals and aspirations.

Positive Behaviors

  • Respecting individuals’ autonomy and choices.
  • Encouraging free expression of ideas and opinions.
  • Providing opportunities for self-determination and self-expression.
  • Promoting a culture of individual empowerment.

Actions Violating Freedom

  • Imposing restrictions or limitations on individual choices.
  • Suppressing dissenting opinions or stifling expression.
  • Exercising control or authority in a way that limits autonomy.


Fun is the quality of creating an enjoyable and lighthearted atmosphere that fosters happiness, engagement, and a sense of enjoyment in work and life.

Positive Behaviors

  • Incorporating elements of enjoyment and playfulness into the workplace.
  • Encouraging team bonding activities and celebrations.
  • Promoting a positive and upbeat attitude.
  • Creating an environment where people look forward to work.

Actions Violating Fun

  • Creating a joyless or overly serious work environment.
  • Discouraging or prohibiting recreational activities or breaks.
  • Allowing negativity and cynicism to dominate the workplace.


Generosity is the act of freely giving time, resources, or assistance to others without expecting anything in return, driven by a desire to help and support.

Positive Behaviors

  • Engaging in acts of kindness and generosity towards others.
  • Offering assistance and support without hesitation.
  • Giving back to the community and those in need.
  • Sharing knowledge, resources, and opportunities.

Actions Violating Generosity

  • Hoarding resources and refusing to help others in need.
  • Offering assistance with strings attached or expecting reciprocation.
  • Being selfish and unwilling to contribute to the well-being of others.


Growth is the pursuit of personal and professional development, continuous learning, and the expansion of one’s skills, knowledge, and capabilities.

Positive Behaviors

  • Seeking opportunities for learning and skill development.
  • Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • Mentoring and supporting others in their growth journey.
  • Encouraging a growth mindset within the organization.

Actions Violating Growth

  • Resisting change and avoiding opportunities for learning.
  • Stagnating and refusing to acquire new skills or knowledge.
  • Hindering the growth of others through lack of support or mentoring.


Happiness is the emotional state of contentment, joy, and well-being, both individually and collectively, that arises from positive experiences and attitudes.

Positive Behaviors

  • Fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
  • Celebrating achievements and milestones with enthusiasm.
  • Promoting work-life balance and employee well-being.
  • Encouraging a culture of gratitude and positivity.

Actions Violating Happiness

  • Creating a toxic or negative work environment.
  • Failing to recognize or appreciate employees’ efforts and contributions.
  • Ignoring employee well-being and promoting burnout.


Honesty is the commitment to truthfulness, integrity, and sincerity in all communications and actions, avoiding deception or misleading behavior.

Positive Behaviors

  • Always telling the truth and being transparent.
  • Admitting mistakes and taking responsibility for them.
  • Building trust through open and honest interactions.
  • Encouraging a culture of ethical behavior and accountability.

Actions Violating Honesty

  • Lying or intentionally deceiving others.
  • Covering up mistakes or engaging in dishonest practices.
  • Creating an environment of mistrust through deceitful behavior.


Humility is the quality of modesty and an absence of arrogance, involving a willingness to acknowledge one’s limitations, mistakes, and the contributions of others.

Positive Behaviors

  • Acknowledging and learning from mistakes and failures.
  • Giving credit and recognition to others for their contributions.
  • Remaining open to feedback and alternative viewpoints.
  • Avoiding self-promotion and grandiosity.

Actions Violating Humility

  • Arrogantly dismissing others’ input or ideas.
  • Taking credit for others’ work or ideas.
  • Refusing to admit mistakes or accept constructive criticism.


Impact is the ability to make a significant and positive difference or influence in the lives of others and in the achievement of meaningful goals.

Positive Behaviors

  • Focusing efforts on actions that create positive outcomes.
  • Measuring and evaluating the effect of one’s actions.
  • Inspiring and leading initiatives that result in meaningful change.
  • Leveraging skills and resources for the betterment of society.

Actions Violating Impact

  • Indifference to the consequences of one’s actions.
  • Pursuing actions that harm or negatively affect others.
  • Failing to take responsibility for the impact of one’s decisions.


Inclusivity is the practice of welcoming and valuing individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities, creating an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

Positive Behaviors

  • Actively seeking diverse perspectives and voices.
  • Implementing policies and practices that promote diversity and equity.
  • Creating an environment where all individuals are respected and heard.
  • Removing barriers to participation and inclusion.

Actions Violating Inclusivity

  • Discriminating against individuals based on their backgrounds or identities.
  • Ignoring or dismissing the contributions and experiences of underrepresented groups.
  • Fostering an exclusive or discriminatory culture.


Innovation is the process of developing and implementing new ideas, solutions, or approaches that lead to improvement, progress, and positive change.

Positive Behaviors

  • Encouraging creativity and brainstorming to generate new ideas.
  • Supporting experimentation and risk-taking in pursuit of innovation.
  • Embracing and implementing innovative solutions to challenges.
  • Promoting a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Actions Violating Innovation

  • Resisting change and clinging to traditional methods.
  • Discouraging or penalizing individuals for suggesting new ideas.
  • Failing to adapt or innovate in response to changing circumstances.


Integrity is the adherence to a strong moral and ethical code, involving honesty, transparency, and a commitment to doing what is right, even in the face of adversity.

Positive Behaviors

  • Acting in an ethical and principled manner in all situations.
  • Keeping promises and commitments, even when it is difficult.
  • Demonstrating moral courage and standing up for ethical values.
  • Building trust through consistent and honest behavior.

Actions Violating Integrity

  • Engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior.
  • Breaking promises and commitments without remorse.
  • Compromising principles and values for personal gain.


Kindness is the act of being friendly, considerate, and compassionate towards others, showing genuine care and goodwill in one’s interactions.

Positive Behaviors

  • Treating others with respect and empathy.
  • Engaging in acts of generosity and compassion.
  • Offering support and encouragement to those in need.
  • Creating a positive and welcoming environment.

Actions Violating Kindness

  • Engaging in rude or disrespectful behavior towards others.
  • Ignoring or being indifferent to the suffering of others.
  • Deliberately causing harm or distress to others.


Leadership is the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others towards achieving common goals, while demonstrating integrity, vision, and a commitment to serving others.

Positive Behaviors

  • Setting a clear vision and direction for a team or organization.
  • Inspiring and motivating others to achieve their best.
  • Leading by example and demonstrating ethical behavior.
  • Empowering and supporting the development of others.

Actions Violating Leadership

  • Failing to provide clear direction or vision.
  • Misusing power or authority for personal gain.
  • Neglecting the needs and growth of team members.


Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and insights through study, experience, or exposure to new ideas and information.

Positive Behaviors

  • Actively seeking opportunities for learning and personal growth.
  • Embracing challenges as opportunities to gain knowledge.
  • Sharing knowledge and experiences to help others learn.
  • Cultivating a culture of curiosity and continuous learning.

Actions Violating Learning

  • Rejecting new information or refusing to adapt to change.
  • Resisting opportunities for self-improvement or skill development.
  • Hoarding knowledge or preventing others from learning.


Open-mindedness is the willingness to consider new ideas, perspectives, and viewpoints without prejudice or bias, and to be receptive to diverse opinions.

Positive Behaviors

  • Listening attentively to different viewpoints.
  • Avoiding judgment and preconceived notions when evaluating ideas.
  • Encouraging dialogue and constructive debate.
  • Being open to changing one’s mind in light of new information.

Actions Violating Open-mindedness

  • Dismissing ideas or viewpoints without consideration.
  • Demonstrating intolerance or refusing to engage with opposing opinions.
  • Closing oneself off from alternative perspectives.


Ownership is the commitment to taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, and outcomes, and to ensuring the successful completion of tasks and goals.

Positive Behaviors

  • Taking full responsibility for one’s work and its results.
  • Demonstrating accountability for mistakes and seeking solutions.
  • Proactively seeking ways to improve processes and outcomes.
  • Fostering a sense of ownership and accountability within a team.

Actions Violating Ownership

  • Avoiding responsibility for one’s actions or deflecting blame onto others.
  • Failing to take action to correct mistakes or address issues.
  • Demonstrating a lack of commitment to achieving goals or tasks.


Passion is the intense enthusiasm, dedication, and fervor for one’s work, goals, or interests, driving one to go above and beyond in pursuit of their passions.

Positive Behaviors

  • Demonstrating unwavering commitment and enthusiasm.
  • Inspiring others through one’s passion and energy.
  • Staying resilient and persevering in the face of challenges.
  • Encouraging a culture of passion and dedication.

Actions Violating Passion

  • Displaying indifference or apathy towards one’s work or goals.
  • Failing to invest effort and energy into tasks.
  • Undermining the enthusiasm and dedication of others.


Patience is the capacity to endure difficulties, setbacks, or delays without becoming frustrated or anxious, and the ability to wait calmly for desired outcomes.

Positive Behaviors

  • Maintaining composure and calm during challenging times.
  • Persisting in the pursuit of long-term goals despite obstacles.
  • Demonstrating understanding and empathy towards others’ challenges.
  • Encouraging a culture of patience and resilience.

Actions Violating Patience

  • Reacting impatiently or impulsively to setbacks or delays.
  • Abandoning goals or projects prematurely due to frustration.
  • Creating a stressful or impatient work environment.


Perseverance is the determination and persistence in the face of adversity, setbacks, or obstacles, and the willingness to continue working towards goals.

Positive Behaviors

  • Staying committed and focused on long-term objectives.
  • Overcoming challenges and setbacks with resilience.
  • Inspiring others through tenacity and determination.
  • Encouraging a culture of perseverance and grit.

Actions Violating Perseverance

  • Giving up easily when faced with difficulties.
  • Avoiding challenges or adversity at all costs.
  • Discouraging or undermining the efforts of others to persevere.


Quality is the commitment to delivering work, products, or services that meet or exceed established standards of excellence and consistently satisfy customer expectations.

Positive Behaviors

  • Ensuring that work or products meet high-quality standards.
  • Continuously monitoring and improving quality.
  • Prioritizing customer satisfaction and feedback.
  • Fostering a culture of excellence and attention to detail.

Actions Violating Quality

  • Delivering work or products that consistently fall short of quality standards.
  • Ignoring customer feedback or complaints about quality issues.
  • Neglecting to invest in quality control and improvement.


Respect is the acknowledgment and appreciation of the inherent worth, dignity, and rights of all individuals, and the practice of treating others with courtesy and consideration.

Positive Behaviors

  • Treating all individuals with politeness and consideration.
  • Valuing diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Respecting boundaries and personal rights of others.
  • Promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity.

Actions Violating Respect

  • Engaging in disrespectful or rude behavior towards others.
  • Discriminating against individuals based on characteristics or biases.
  • Violating personal boundaries or disregarding the rights of others.


Responsibility is the acceptance of one’s duties, obligations, and commitments, and the willingness to be accountable for one’s actions, decisions, and their consequences.

Positive Behaviors

  • Fulfilling one’s obligations and commitments consistently.
  • Admitting mistakes and taking corrective action.
  • Demonstrating reliability and dependability.
  • Encouraging a culture of accountability and responsibility.

Actions Violating Responsibility

  • Neglecting or avoiding duties and commitments.
  • Failing to take responsibility for mistakes or errors.
  • Undermining the trust and reliability of others.


Selflessness is the act of putting the needs and well-being of others before one’s own, and the willingness to sacrifice personal interests for the greater good.

Positive Behaviors

  • Engaging in acts of generosity and altruism.
  • Supporting the well-being and happiness of others.
  • Collaborating for the benefit of the community or organization.
  • Promoting a culture of selflessness and teamwork.

Actions Violating Selflessness

  • Prioritizing personal interests and gain over the needs of others.
  • Exploiting or taking advantage of others for personal benefit.
  • Undermining collective efforts or teamwork.


Service is the act of providing assistance, support, or help to others, whether in the form of actions, efforts, or contributions, with the goal of making a positive impact.

Positive Behaviors

  • Offering assistance and support to those in need.
  • Volunteering time or resources to help the community.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to serving the greater good.
  • Encouraging a culture of service and giving back.

Actions Violating Service

  • Refusing to assist or support others in need.
  • Taking advantage of vulnerable individuals.
  • Acting solely for personal gain without regard for the welfare of others.


Teamwork is the practice of collaborating with others, valuing diverse contributions, and working together harmoniously to achieve common goals and objectives.

Positive Behaviors

  • Valuing and respecting the contributions of team members.
  • Communicating and collaborating effectively with others.
  • Resolving conflicts constructively to maintain team cohesion.
  • Fostering a culture of collaboration and shared success.

Actions Violating Teamwork

  • Undermining or dismissing the contributions of team members.
  • Creating division or conflict within the team.
  • Prioritizing personal interests over the success of the team.


Transparency is the practice of being open, honest, and forthright in communication and actions, ensuring that information is readily accessible and shared openly.

Positive Behaviors

  • Communicating openly and honestly with others.
  • Sharing information and decisions transparently.
  • Welcoming feedback and input from others.
  • Promoting a culture of trust and transparency.

Actions Violating Transparency

  • Withholding important information or being evasive.
  • Engaging in deceptive or dishonest practices.
  • Failing to communicate decisions or changes openly.

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